Soul Care for Therapists

Dawn Gabriel helps her clients create sustainable private practices with spiritually infused support. Through group and individual consultation services for mental health providers, she helps practice owners incorporate their faith into their businesses, so they can prevent burnout and create a practice that fits them.


Dawn Gabriel, a consultant, coach, and podcast host for her business, Soul Care For Therapists, reached out to Private Practice Elevation to revamp her online presence to align with her evolving brand and business objectives. Her business caters to mental health professionals and private practice owners seeking a deeper connection with spirituality. 

The existing website fell short in reflecting the rebranding efforts and lacked a modern and professional look. It failed to highlight Dawn’s main offerings, such as retreats and the member community, and she aspired for the website to encapsulate the openness and natural beauty of the Colorado mountains, which held significant importance in the spiritual focus of her work.


Dawn’s objectives for the website redesign were comprehensive and ambitious:

  1. Grow Email List: Increase the email subscriber base to 2k – 3k within 12 months to nurture connections, convert visitors into paying clients, and promote future offerings.
  2. Rebranding and Improved Messaging: Rebrand the website to stand out to individuals seeking soul care/faith-based coaching.
  3. Enhance Conversions: Create website copy that resonates with the target audience and leads them to take the next step, thereby increasing conversions.
  4. Sales Growth: Prioritize growing sales to allow Dawn to spend more time on her business, Soul Care For Therapists, and less in her private practice.
  5. Improve Organic Traffic: Optimize foundational pages and implement SEO best practices to increase organic traffic to the website.
  6. Educate Potential Clients: Inform potential clients about Dawn’s services, highlighting the benefits of working with her and priming them to become clients.
  7. Establish Authority: Grow Dawn’s authority and influence within her niche through educational resources, articles, and podcast episode promotion.


The redesigned website was meticulously crafted with a focus on mental health professionals and private practice owners who yearned for a deeper connection with spirituality. The design adhered to Dawn’s new logo and brand identity, featuring a modern and clean aesthetic while capturing the essence of the Colorado mountains. Bright colors were replaced with a cohesive and brand-appropriate color scheme.

The website showcased Dawn’s podcast, emphasizing the latest episodes with an eye-catching landing page. A seamless transition was made for past episodes. The content was expanded to resonate with the ideal client and encourage conversions. Interactive elements were added to engage visitors effectively.

We also made sure proper redirects were set up from her old domain to the new one so that Google would know where the content had moved to, mitigating any negative impact to her SEO.


The website’s transformation aligned perfectly with Dawn’s rebranding and business goals. It now serves as a natural extension of her work, providing a welcoming platform for her clients to engage with her content. 

The modern and professional appearance sets her apart in her niche. Enhanced website copy and landing pages effectively guide visitors, leading to increased conversions and revenue. Dawn’s commitment to producing podcast content ensures ongoing traffic and strengthens the website’s SEO. 

The new website establishes a strong foundation for the future growth of her business, Soul Care For Therapists, as she continues to bolster her authority in her niche.


We couldn’t be more happy with the results of the redesigning Soul Care For Therapists’ website!  We believe that Dawn’s vision of aligning her online presence with her evolving brand and objectives has been beautifully realized. 

The website’s fresh and professional appearance, coupled with engaging content and strategic landing pages, serves as a powerful tool to connect with her audience and drive conversions. As Dawn continues to expand her influence and grow her business, the website stands as a testament to the value of effective design and digital strategy. It is poised to play a pivotal role in the future growth and success of Soul Care For Therapists.

[twenty20 img1="211023" img2="211022" width="100%" offset="0.5" before="Before Website Redesign" after="After Website Redesign"]

Grow your private practice with a new website strategy.

Get more traffic. Get more clients. Scale your practice.

Whether you’re looking to level up your private practice website’s design, or need help navigating SEO so that your clients can find you, we can help.


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